St.Giles’, St.Bartholomew’s & St.Mary’s | Spirituality
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Click the links to find helpful resources:

WWH Home Support Booklet 3 – November 2020 to January 2021

WWH Online Worship Resource Booklet v2

WWH Online Worship Resource Booklet 2020


Spirituality Booklet WWH

Words for Prayer Thought or Wonder leaflet

A Spiritual Walk Whittington

A Spiritual Walk Weeford

A Spiritual Walk Hints

Develop Your Faith Praying a Labyrinth WWH

Christian Meditation

Franciscan Spirituality Magazine

Introduction to Anglican Prayer Beads WWH

Thy Kingdom Come; journeying with Mary from Ascension to Pentecost

Centering Prayer WWH

Contemplative Fire

Contemplative Prayer (Moot Community)

Ignatian Spirituality (Epiphany Group)

Ignatian Spirituality (St Beunos Pathways to God)

Ignatian Spirituality (Mount Street Pathways to God)

WWH Ignatian Course

WWH Lectio Divina Way of Praying

Visio Divina – Visual Liturgy and Prayer

A Prayer Walk around Whittington WWH


Benedictine Offices from Ampleforth Abbey

Lauds (7.15am, Sundays 8am)
The second office of the day. This is Morning Prayer, and the tone is celebratory, full of praise and thanksgiving. It lasts about 25 minutes.
Vespers (6pm, Sundays 6.20pm)
Evening Prayer, sung in Latin, in Gregorian Chant. It lasts about 25-30 minutes.
Compline (8.15pm)
This is Night Prayer. It begins with a reading from the Rule of Our Holy Father Benedict. All the psalms, readings and prayers are about protection, safety and the love of God. It lasts 15 minutes, ending with an antiphon to Our Lady in Gregorian Chant.

Live streaming – click here!

Praying with your Children at Home

WWH Christian Meditation with your Children at Home – Leaflet for Parents